
DGM HP crossover pt 3

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Literature Text

Owners: JK Rowling and Hoshino Katsura
FF X-over author: Me (Muahahahaha!)

000— Small Notices *Inside the Great Hall, about to eat…*

The small group of exorcists walked to the Gryffindor table, while their headmaster took a seat next to Dumbledore. After sitting down, Harry noticed one of two of the exorcists, the black haired girl, and the white haired boy, glanced sideways at their head of school, who gave  them a small smile, before turning aside and looking at Dumbledore, who stood and spoke as silence fell:

“Good evening, ladies, gentleman, ghosts, and most particularly, guests!” Dumbledore beamed at the students, foreign and usual. “I take pleasure in welcoming you into Hogwart’s doors, and hope your stay will be quite enjoyable.”

A girl from Beauxbatons, who was still clutching her muffler, gave what was unmistakably a laugh.

Hermoine hissed at her, “No one’s forcing you to stay, you know,” bristling.

“The tournament will officially begin after the feast,” Dumbledore continued, “Now, please eat, drink, make yourself at home, and hopefully several friends,” no one but Harry noticed Komui glanced at the exorcists almost worriedly.

000—Eating and Info *Inside the Great Hall, eating and talking…*

The exorcists had to admit to themselves, they were very good at acting only slightly surprised by the food that suddenly appeared in front of them, and they did not wait very long before they began to fill their plates full of food (except for Kanda, who went for some soba and tempura that appeared suspiciously close to him), some of which were obviously foreign.

“What the heck is that?” asked a nearby redhead. Allen looked up to see what he was pointing at. It was some sort of shellfish stew next to a large steak-and-kidney pudding.

“Bouillabaissue,” said a girl with long, curly brown hair.

“Bless you.”

“It’s FRENCH, I had it two summers ago when I was on holiday,” she replied to that little comment angrily, “It’s very good, actually.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” The redhead said, reaching for some black pudding, at the same time as Lenalee. They both pulled their arms back at the same time.

“I’m sorry, you can have it…” Lenalee said to the boy, a little shyer then she would’ve said it normally, of course, this was not that normal for them.

“Oh, thanks,” The redhead helped himself, ignoring the brown-haired girl’s glare at his lack of tact.

“What’s your name?” She asked, hoping to make up for her friend’s manners.

“Uh, I’m Lenalee, and you are?” Lenalee said, once again, not as bravely as usual. It might’ve been genuine shyness, or maybe she thought most people would’ve been a little not-so forward as she usually was.

“I’m Hermione Granger,” the brown-haired girl said. Allen was still paying attention, not trying to hide it as much now, in hopes he wouldn’t have to try so hard to make a friend (given his luck and all, his hopes were not high unless he had help…a LOT of help). “He’s Ron Weasley,” she said, pointing to the redhead, who was looking up from his pudding at the sound of his name.

“And I’m Harry,” said a boy with messy black hair that somehow reminded him of Lenalee’s hair, of course, Lenalee’s was shorter still… It hadn’t grown back much ever since the level 3 Akuma has burned it off almost completely.

Allen gave the boy his attention, Komui had mentioned someone named Harry, something about being cursed when he was young…

“It’s nice to meet you…” Harry said, looking at Lenalee first, before his gaze traveled to Allen, “Who’re you?” He asked.

“Ah, Allen Walker, it’s nice to meet you,” Allen said, he knew at least, his shyness was genuine, given he was not good at first impressions. Never really had been, really, they were lasting for sure, but did not always leave the imprint he would’ve preferred.

“Nice to meet you Allen,” said Hermione. The three must’ve been friends; Hermione was obviously the one who was good at communicating with people. Allen wondered vaguely if this time, his first impression would not be so very bad…

The conversation moved smoothly from there, thanks to Lenalee and Hermione, who were obviously the more social of the two groups of friends. They did most of the talking, and Allen and Harry mostly listened and answered questions of added little comments of their own as the time came, Ron was merely eating and watching the exorcists, with what Allen though were wary eyes, but he must’ve imagined it, he was hoping that Ron wasn’t suspicious of them already. Allen didn’t like people not trusting them (even though people often had good reason not to trust them) so Allen made himself believe he was imagining it.

Lavi was talking happily with two other redheads, who Allen couldn’t tell apart at all, so they must be twins, and judging by their hair and the freckles, they might’ve been Ron’s brothers. He looked away from Lavi and the twins momentarily and instead found himself being stared at by Harry. Allen almost twitched as he realized Lavi was sitting to his right. That meant his scar was even more visible to Harry then it had been before. Trying to not be suspicious, he moved his hand to flatten his bangs. Maybe he couldn’t hide the entire scar, but he had been able to hide his pentacle form most for several years because of his bangs, which had always been long, and perfect for hiding something on one’s forehead.

Of course the Order knew about his pentacle, it had been the cause of one of his not-so-great first impressions, that one, in particular, had ended him in a stare-down with Kanda’s sword Mugen in front of the gate. He did not blame the Order, they had good reason to try and kill him, even if something like a curse on one’s forehead seemed so very trivial, for the person who bears it, it is very important, but a pentacle is not a normal scar-shape, it has a meaning, and that was why he tried to hide it the best he could…

000—Uniforms and Symbols *Inside the Great Hall, talking…*

Harry looked at the white haired boy a second more before he turned back to Lenalee and Hermione’s conversation, but he wasn’t really listening. He was thinking over what he’d seen, he had noticed Allen’s scar before he knew his name, but hadn’t paid it much attention. ‘It‘s probably just a cut he got at some point.’ Was what he had thought, but when he had turned to see what the redhead (Harry didn’t know what his name was) was doing, Harry had happened to be turned at an angle to see his forehead.

On Allen’s forehead was a kind of design. An upside-down star, with a red line that started his scar.

Harry also noted, when Allen noticed Harry looking at his forehead, that he had flattened his bangs, in the same, careful-but-trying-to-be-natural way Harry did, and that only another who did would notice.

Harry also knew from experience, that very, very few people had scars on their foreheads that took a definite shape. His was like a lightning bolt, and he was fairly sure Allen’s was called a pentagram or something… it was one of those time he wished he had paid a bit more attention when Hermione pulled out the slightly dark books that they had used many times in order to… do certain things that the rules of the school did not truly approve of… it want that he hadn’t paid attention, it was that he tended to zone everything not-relating to the topic at hand out of his mind.

Then he noticed he should be taking part in the conversation to not be so suspicious, Allen had obviously wanted to keep the symbol on his forehead a secret, and Harry (who knew that feeling only too well) obliged.

“Where’d you get your uniforms, I’ve never seen them before, they must’ve been expensive,” Hermione reeled out another list of questions, which Lenalee answered, using the lies that were either made up on the spot, or taught by Komui before-hand. It was almost sad how good they were at lying…

“Actually our school provides them for us,” She lied like a pro, only Allen caught it, but he had his poker face on. No one ever caught him lying, he was better than anyone else at the Order, and sadly, he was the one with the most to hide it seemed. “Our school’s very small, so they can afford things like that every now and then.”

“Why are they different though? If it’s a uniform, it should be the same, right?”

“Our uniforms are kind of personalized.” Lenalee gave a fake embarrassed look, “Because we’re not really learning magic, we take different courses, and they personalize our uniforms so we can perform our best with them, but they keep the details the same on all of them,” When Hermione gave her a confused look, she gave a small sigh and pointed to her left shoulder, at a small silver cross-star like symbol, “This is on all our coats, in the same spot, upper left near the shoulder,” Hermione gave a small nod, and continued to stare at the small symbol, as though trying to memorize it.

“What kind of courses do you guys take, anyway?” a voice asked. The foursome spun around to look at Ron, who they had temporarily forgotten about. He had finally looked up from his food, and was looking at the exorcists. He was trying to keep the suspicion out of his voice, but his eyes gave him away, they were narrowed into slits and had a distrusting light in them.

“Well… we don’t really have an organized schedule, not like here anyway. If we need to work on something we just work on it until we get better, really,” Lenalee lied smoothly.

“As in what do you do?” Ron said, not totally hiding the edge in his voice.

“Depends,” Lenalee shrugged, “We each have different teachers, so what we do mostly is up to them…” She looked at Allen, who twitched, “Miranda’s my teacher, Krory is Lavi’s, Kanda does independent study since he’s so good… and Allen… has, well…” her voice trailed away. The three wizards and Lenalee (pityingly) looked at Allen, who twitched more, and seemed to become very small.

Allen mumbled something about pain and debt collectors, Lenalee gave him an embarrassed/pitied look.

“Before you ask, let’s just say Allen got the bad end of the stick more than once…” the redhead with the eyepatch and headband intervened. “Just ignore him for a while, he’s just lost in nostalgia or trauma,” a large grin spread over his face. “Name’s Lavi, nice ta’ meet you!”

Twenty minutes had passed since the beginning of the feast, and the wizards had learned many lies about the fake school that trained exorcists. The only real truths they now knew were about their uniforms and that a person named Cross was Allen’s teacher, that Allen went into trauma whenever his teacher was mentioned, and that the teacher had run off to some bar the moment they had arrived.  

Then, Harry noticed the Hagrid was slipping into the Hall from the door behind the teacher’s table. He called to him, and Hagrid waved an enormous, bandaged hand back at him.

“Who’s that?” Lenalee asked, cutting Hermione off as she was about to ask another question.

“What abou —hmm? Oh, that’s Hagrid. He’s one of our friends,” Hermione explained, ignoring something Ron said about the Skrewts finding Hagrid’s fingers were good food. “He’s the Care of Magical Creatures teacher… The skrewts are his newest…thing…”

Suddenly, a voice from behind said, “Excuse me, are you wanting ze bouillabaisse?”

The girl from Beauxbation’s who had laughed during Dubledore’s speech had finally taken her muffler off, revealing long silvery hair that drooped to her waist, two crystal blue eyes and shimmering white skin and teeth.

Ron and Lavi went purple (his headband suddenly had ‘STRIKE’ written on it in bold letters) Ron tried to speak, Lavi tried not to, the result was a small gurgling sound…

“Yeah, sure, you can have it,” Harry said, as Allen pushed the dish towards her.

“You are done wiz et?”

“Yeah... it was delicious…” Ron sighed. Lavi still trying to keep his mouth shut. The girl took the bouillabaisse and returned to her table. Ron muttered hoarsely to a laughing Harry something about the girl being a veela. Hermione gave him some harsh reply, but Harry was now paying attention to the exorcists, or rather Lavi.

Lavi was shaking, clutching his fists and still had ‘STRIKE’ written on his headband (had it always been there and Harry just hadn’t noticed?)… he still looked like he was trying to not say something….

Just then, Allen handed him a small paper bag (where did that come from?) Lavi opened it, bent down, and shouted something into it, or at least Harry thought he shouted, he couldn’t really hear anything, he just saw the bag inflate as he breathed into it.

000—It was so very sad…. *The teachers table, talking and eating…*

Komui was watching the exorcists from the teachers’ table. Harry Potter and two other students Komui didn’t know the name of were already talking to Allen and Lenalee, while Lavi immediately started talking to the school’s main tricksters, so said McGonagall.

He wasn’t so worried about Lavi and Kanda, they always were themselves no matter what. Kanda always sulked into corners, and Lavi always was able to make people laugh. Those two would have no problems here.

Lenalee was always social; she had often found it easy to make friends, even if she had to act a little in the beginning, her true self always came through in the end. The only thing he worried about with her was if a boy took a liking to her… but if that happened, the boy would die a painful death. End of his story.

Miranda and Krory would he helped by the younger exorcists and make friends with the teachers. Though they were a bit shaken at times, Miranda was always so kind, and Krory would be fine after he made a friend. After that, they both would try and help as best they could around the school, simple as that.

As for General Cross… he’d stay out of the way, and be flirting with the ladies in the village’s pub most of the time unless he came up to the castle every now-and-then to torture Allen…

The one he worried about most was Allen. Sure, Allen was one of the best exorcists, after all, he had faced two noah, killed one, attack the Earl and survived, he had once been given a hole through his heart, his left arm destroyed, and his eye stabbed out, but he was still alive, he was still fighting in their war, he was still smiling.

No, the reason he worried about Allen was because it was Allen. The small boy, was about fifteen, maybe sixteen, it was impossible to know, but he had seen so many things, that even learned people had never seen, he was different, even by exorcist standards. He had tried to save an enemy once, he had said once he didn’t consider himself human. He had the symbol of devil’s worship on his forehead and a cross of god’s power in his arm. He had lost his family at a young age and been mistreated as he grew up.

Now, he had met someone else who had a similar story to his. The boy called Harry Potter, also had a curse that warned of danger, also had a prophecy that predicted destruction, and also had not been allowed to be a child. Also had had his life destroyed by a monster… Now that Allen had met someone in such a similar situation to his, Komui was worried. Allen had kept very quiet about his past. All anyone knew was the basics of his life.

He had been adopted on Christmas day, and lived with traveling entertainers as a clown. When his father died, he was cursed, (for reasons Cross refused to tell, and Allen sure as hell wasn’t going to tell them.) immediately after he had been cursed, Cross had found him, and asked him to become an exorcist. For another three years after, Allen had been Cross’s disciple. That was when he had come to the order with his master’s golem, Timcanpy, who they had left in the ark incase he attracted attention.

Now that someone who’s basis of life came so close to his, just as for an age difference, who knew what would happen to Allen’s mind? The young boy was far too complex and unstable, but how unstable he was, was a mystery… Allen in all, was a mystery, but there had been time when he had let his unstable side show, and no matter what happened, someone, somewhere, was always left in tears when he was like that.

“Worried about your students Komui?” Dumbledore said softly.

Komui jumped a little, but not enough to cause notice before he looked at Dumbledore. So far, Dumbledore was the person here that he trusted most of all. At the Order, they had trained themselves to not trust anyone except for known allies, and even not so much then, but with Dumbledore… he gave off an aura even more comforting than Allen’s smile.

“Yes…” Komui said slowly, then paused, “Especially Allen…”

Dumbledore looked at him with curious eyes. “And why might you be worried more for him than the others?”

“He’s… different, even from us…” Komui would not yet tell of Allen’s disposition, Dumbledore knew of the curse already, not in detail, only that he had a curse which had proved useful for them. “Your last guests are here, Dumbledore,” Komui said as Crouch and Bagman came in.

“So they are…” Dumbledore decided the main part of the feast was over. Soon, tournament would begin at last.

part 1: [link]

part 4: [link]

:flame:THIS IS NOT YAOI OR YURI:flame:


:flame:D.GRAY-MAN EVENTS WILL BE TAKEN FROM THE MANGA (meaning no one knows about Mana!!!!):flame:

This is a VERY long chapter.... i think i was making up for not posting in a week ^^; and worst of everything, it's mostly a subconsious chapter, hopefully, i will actually get something similar to a storyline going soon...

I'm sorry, to anyone who actually was paying attention to this story, i havent uploaded in a week ^^; sorry, my exams are coming up, im illistrating a comic for a friend, my school play is going, and im writing a second story most likely no one will ever see.

Yes big, fat DGM spoilers are coming up (MUAHAHA!!... sorry, i love spoilers ^^;) and... EVERYTHING I SAID THAT HAPPENED TO ALLEN IS TRUE 0.o yes there-was-a-hole-in-his-heart-and-his-arm-was-broken-until-it-was-particles. FACT FACT FACT

yes, Allen does have some very bad first-impressions. i mean, come on,
1 he's sitting infront of a grave with blood everywhere
2 he was found at the site of a murder (talking about demons)
4 he's killing some strange monster with a glowing lance (i know it's not a lance, but it's spoiler for his weapon to say otherwise)
5 he's playing POKER (-strip- poker, may i add... WITH A MAN 0/////0 PERV-ALLEN STRIKES!!!)
6 .... im not even going to MENTION this one (think Asia branch & emo-Allen & lost arm TT^TT never will forget that one... poor Bak and Fou... they had to deal with emo-Allen xD)

....yes, i am going to use emo-Allen in this at some point :evillaugh: (im a bad person, but i LIKE emo Allen) the piano room will be used, and most likely, there will be black-Allen if i can get him in :evillaugh: POKER ANYONE?
(NOTE: there is Black-Allen, there is Emo-Allen, Trauma-Allen *think Cross & chocolet & booze) and there is Exorcist-Allen, who we see most of)

If you do NOT know what d.gray-man is....

Demons called Akuma are being manufactured from people who've died and thier mourners by the Mellenium Earl and his family, the Noah. Those who fight back are mainly part of the Black Order, and those who fight directly are exorcists, who fight using a crystal called 'Innocence'. the main charicter is Allen (he's kinda emo, but was very good at hiding it until recently) who is cursed, but i wont spoil his curse if you dont already know it, cuz it's probubly going to be a big part of this.

anything, comments, flames, constructive critisiam is loved, because if i dont get any, i'll feel like i suck.

D.Gray-Man (c) Hoshino Katsura
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (c) JK Rowling
I own nothing, if i did own them, we'd see emo-Allen more
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PurestInnocence's avatar
Storm: NOOO!!! They left Timcampy behind....